Management commands


Implements optional djk_seed Django management command which may be used to seed initial data into managed models database tables after the migrations are complete. To enable model data seed after the migration, define seed method of the model like this:

class Specialization(models.Model):
        ('Administrator', False),
        ('Manager', True),
        ('Contractor', True),

    def seed(cls, recreate=False):
        if recreate or cls.objects.count() == 0:
            # Setup default  list (only once).
            for name, is_anon in cls.BUILTIN_SPECIALIZATIONS:
                cls.objects.update_or_create(name=name, defaults={
                    'is_builtin': True,
                    'is_anon': is_anon

then add app which has Specialization model into settings.DJK_APPS list. See installation for more info about DJK_APPS list.

After that run the console command:

./ djk_seed

djk_seed management command has --help option which describes possible use cases. For example it may create models content types for the selected Django apps, not running any post-migration seed:

./ djk_seed --create-content-types --skip-seeds

This is often an pre-requisite to have contenttypes framework running correctly.