Jinja2 macros



bs_form() macro allows to generate html representation of ModelForm:

{% extends 'base_min.htm' %}
{% from 'bs_form.htm' import bs_form with context %}

{% block main %}

{{ bs_form(form=form, action=tpl.url('my_url_name'), opts={
    'class': 'form_css_class',
    'title': page_context.get_view_title(),
    'submit_text': 'My button'
}) }}

{% endblock main %}

Since the introduction of form renderers in version 0.8.0, bs_form() macro become a simple compatibility wrapper, while the actual HTML code of form is generated with the following render_form() call:

{{ render_form(request, 'standalone', form, {
    'action': action,
    'opts': opts,
    'method': method,
}) }}

Note that the bs_form() macro generates html <form> tag and wraps the whole form into Bootstrap card with the heading / body. If you want to generate form body only (usual Django approach), call render_form() template context function instead:

{{ render_form(request, 'body', form) }}

To read more about render_form() template context function and the built-in form / inline formsets renderers, see Forms.

Inline formsets


bs_inline_formsets() is a macro that supports html rendering of one or zero Django ModelForm with one or multiple related inline formsets. It also supports two types of rendering layouts:

  • <div> layout for real changeable submittable forms.
  • <table> layout primarily used to display read-only “forms” (see Forms).

Also it has support for inserting custom content between individual forms of formsets.

Example of form with inline formsets rendering:

bs_inline_formsets(related_form=form, formsets=formsets, action=tpl.url('add_project', project_id=project.pk), opts={
    'class': 'project',
    'is_ajax': True,
    'title': page_context.get_view_title(),
    'submit_text': 'Add new project'
}) }}
  • In this case form with formsets will be submitted and processed via AJAX POST request / response due to is_ajax = True argument.
  • bs_inline_formsets() also supports {% call() bs_inline_formsets() %} syntax for complex formatting of formsets which is unused in this simplified example.

Changing bootstrap grid layout

One may use the custom layout_classes value as the key of the following macros opts dict argument:

  • bs_form(form, action, opts, method=’post’)
  • bs_inline_formsets(related_form, formsets, action, opts)

to alter default Bootstrap inline form grid width, for example:

bs_inline_formsets(related_form=form, formsets=formsets, action=tpl.url('project_candidate_add', project_id=project.pk), opts={
    'class': 'project',
    'is_ajax': True,
    'title': page_context.get_view_title(),
    'submit_text': 'Add candidate',
    'layout_classes': {
        '': {
            'label': 'col-md-4', 'field': 'col-md-6',
}) }}

Default value of Bootstrap inline grid layout classes is defined in djk_ui app conf.py module LAYOUT_CLASSES variable.

Inserting custom content

Calling bs_inline_formsets() macro with kwargs argument allows to insert custom blocks of html at the following points of form with related formsets rendering:

Begin of formset. formset_begin will hold the instance of formset, allowing to distinguish one formset from another one:

{{ caller({'formset_begin': formset, 'html': html}) }}

Begin of formset form:

{{ caller({'form_begin': form, 'html': html}) }}

End of formset form:

{{ caller({'form_end': form, 'html': html}) }}

End of formset. formset_end will hold the instance of formset, allowing to distinguish one formset from another one (see the example below):

{{ caller({'formset_end': formset, 'html': html}) }}

Adding custom buttons, for example many AJAX POST buttons each with different data-url or data-route html5 attributes. That allows to submit the same AJAX form to different Django views:

{{ caller({'buttons': True}) }}

The following example inserts custom submit button, which is supported when the 'is_ajax': True parameter is specified:

{% extends 'base_min.htm' %}
{% from 'bs_inline_formsets.htm' import bs_inline_formsets with context %}

{% call(kwargs)
bs_inline_formsets(related_form=form, formsets=formsets, action=tpl.url('project_update', project_id=project.pk), opts={
    'class': 'project',
    'is_ajax': True,
    'title': page_context.get_view_title(),
    'submit_text': 'Update project'
}) %}

{% if 'buttons' in kwargs %}
    <button type="submit" data-url="{{ tpl.url('project_postpone', project_id=project.pk) }}" class="btn btn-primary">
        Postpone project
{% endif %}

{% endcall %}

Resulting html will have two form submit buttons:

  • one is automatically generated with submit tpl.url('project_update', ...)
  • another is manually inserted with submit tpl.url('project_postpone', ...)

Different views may be called from the same Django AJAX form with inline formsets, depending on which html button is pressed.

The following example will insert total project read-only “form” (see Forms) extra cost columns after the end of rendering related projectmember_set inline formset:

{% extends 'base_min.htm' %}
{% from 'bs_inline_formsets.htm' import bs_inline_formsets with context %}

{% call(kwargs)
bs_inline_formsets(related_form=form, formsets=formsets, action='', opts={
    'class': 'project',
    'title': form.instance,
    'submit_text': 'Review project'
}) %}

{% if 'formset_end' in kwargs and kwargs.formset_end.prefix == 'projectmember_set' %}
    {% set total_cost = form.project.get_total_cost() %}
    {% if total_cost > 0 %}
        <div class="default-padding">
            <table class="table">
                    <col class="{{ kwargs.html.layout_classes.label }}">
                    <col class="{{ kwargs.html.layout_classes.field }}">
                    <th class="success">Total cost</th>
                    <td class="info">{{ total_cost }}</td>
    {% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% endcall %}

Wrapping each form of formset with div with custom attributes (to process these in custom Javascript):

{% call(kwargs)
bs_inline_formsets(related_form=form, formsets=formsets, action=tpl.url('project_update', project_id=project.pk), opts={
    'class': 'project',
    'is_ajax': True,
    'title': form.instance,
    'submit_text': 'Update project'
}) %}

{% if 'form_begin' in kwargs %}
<div id="revision-{{ kwargs.form_begin.instance.pk }}">
{% endif %}

{% if 'form_end' in kwargs %}
{% endif %}

{% endcall %}

Since version 0.8.0, the more flexible approach could be to override Renderers templates instead.

Bootstrap navigation

See .get_filter_kwargs() sample for working example of boostrap navigation macros.


bs_breadcrumbs macro generates bootstrap breadcrumbs of the current filter choices from the result of ListSortingView class .get_filter_kwargs() call:

{% for field in view.allowed_filter_fields -%}
    {{ bs_breadcrumbs(**view.get_filter_kwargs(field)) }}
{% endfor -%}


bs_choice_list macro generates the flat list of the currently selected filter choices from the result of ListSortingView class .get_filter_kwargs() call:

{% for field in view.allowed_filter_fields -%}
    {{ bs_choice_list(**view.get_filter_kwargs(field)) }}
{% endfor -%}


bs_dropdown macro generates bootstrap dropdown of the current filter choices from the result of ListSortingView class .get_filter_kwargs() call:

{% for field in view.allowed_filter_fields -%}
    {{ bs_dropdown(**view.get_filter_kwargs(field)) }}
{% endfor -%}


Displays the list of ListSortingView filters which produce empty queryset:

{{ bs_filters(**view.get_no_match_kwargs()) }}


Displays current page of the supplied ListView / ListSortingView view instance object_list (queryset) with page_obj paginator links stylized for bootstrap. It has the optional call wrapper which supports three optional arguments to provide three optional caller sections: has_filters, has_no_match, has_pagination.

To override all of the caller sections:

{% call(has_filters, has_no_match, has_pagination) bs_list(view, object_list, is_paginated, page_obj) -%}
    {% if has_filters -%}
        {# insert custom filters layout here #}
    {% elif has_no_match -%}
        {# insert custom filters layout here #}
    {% elif has_pagination -%}
        {# insert custom pagination layout here #}
    {% endif -%}
{% endcall -%}

To override just one has_filters caller section:

{% call(has_filters) bs_list(view, object_list, is_paginated, page_obj) -%}
    {% if has_filters -%}
        {# insert custom filters layout here #}
    {% endif -%}
{% endcall -%}

No override (no call) see cbv_list.htm for example:

{{ bs_list(view, object_list, is_paginated, page_obj) }}

For the example of customizing ListSortingView has_filters section / has_pagination section see the djk-sample club_list_with_component.htm Jinja2 template.


This macro takes the result of prepare_bs_navs function or the result of BsTabsMixin template context main_navs variable to display automatically highlighted server-side bootstrap navigation tabs. Do not confuse to bs_tabs() macro, which is similar but switches between tabs at the client-side via TabPane Javascript class.

Since v0.9.0, bs_navs() macro is also argument-compatible to filter choices from the result of ListSortingView class .get_filter_kwargs() call (see also bs_breadcrumbs() / bs_choice_list() / bs_dropdown() / bs_filters() which are compatible):

{% for field in view.allowed_filter_fields -%}
    {{ bs_navs(**view.get_filter_kwargs(field)) }}
{% endfor -%}


bs_tabs() macro creates TabList Javascript component which manages client-side bootstrap tabs. Internally it uses TabPaneManager Javascript class. Let’s explain some methods of TabPaneManager class:

  • .switchTo() method enables automatic switching of bootstrap tab panes upon page load and via window.location.hash change. Hash change may occur programmatically from user script, or via clicking the anchor with matching hash name.
  • .highlight() method provides permanent or temporary highlighting of displayed bootstrap tab, to indicate that it’s contents was updated / changed. This is particularly useful when bs_tabs() is used together with AJAX dynamic components, such as datatables.
  • .loadTemplate() method allows one-time filling of tab content from the specified template_id attribute of bs_tabs() macro. It allows to delay AJAX calls of the template components until the user actually clicked on the tab, instead of performing all AJAX calls even for the invisible tabs at once. Which is useful for the long lists of tabs with ko_grid() macro generated datatable component for example.

djk_sample demo project has bs_tabs() sample / TabPane sample which places grids into bootstrap tabs.

The first mandatory argument of bs_tabs() macro is the tabs list. Each element of the tabs list should be the dict that defines content of each tab. The following mandatory key-value pairs are required:

  • id - the value of window.location.hash for current tab;
  • title - title of current tab;

The following keys are mutually exclusive:

  • html - html of tab pane. Use Jinja 2.8+ {% set html %} {% endset %} syntax to capture complex content, such as grid, ModelForm, inline formset and so on;
  • template_id - one may specify underscore.js template id which will be expanded to tab pane when the user switches to that pane, instead of html which loads the content to the tab immediately. It’s used to lazy load Javascript components, eg. datatables (grids). See Underscore.js templates and Components for more info.

Optional key-value pairs:

  • is_active - set to True when current tab has to be selected by default;
  • tooltip - optional tooltip for the tab link;

The second optional argument of bs_tabs() macro is tabs_attrs dict which defines tpl.json_flatatt() HTML attributes for the tabs wrapper tag, which is ul.nav.nav-tabs by default.

The third optional argument of bs_tabs() macro is content_attrs dict which defines tpl.json_flatatt() HTML attributes for the tabs content tag, which is div.tab-content by default.