HTTP response

This module extends built-in Django response by providing immediate exception response and AJAX response:

  • MockRequestFactory - allows to perform fully qualified name reverse url resolve in console management scripts:

    from django_jinja_knockout.apps import DjkAppConfig
    from django_jinja_knockout.tpl import reverseq
    request = DjkAppConfig.get_context_middleware().get_request()
    reverseq('member_detail', kwargs={'member_id': 1}, request=request, query={'users': [1,2,3]})
  • JsonResponse - HTTP response which automatically converts dicts / lists / mapping / sequence to JSON. It also has json_response shortcut function with the defaults.

  • ImmediateHttpResponse - exception which allows to interrupt view code flow. It renders Django response provided as an exception’s __init__() method agrument.

  • ImmediateJsonResponse - exception which allows to interrupt view code flow. It renders JSON response provided as an exception’s __init__() method argument:

    from django.utils.html import format_html
    # ... skipped ...
    if not User.objects.filter(pk=user_id).exists():
        raise ImmediateJsonResponse({
            'view': 'alert_error',
            'message': format_html('Unknown used id: {}', user_id),
  • error_response() / exception_response() - wrappers around django.http.HttpResponseBadRequest to allow JSON viewmodel response in AJAX requests in case of error / exception occured.